For every recipe, you will find an important ingredient that ties it all together. It could be the ingredient the recipe is named after, the ingredient that holds it together, as long as it's important in some form. In another sense, there are ingredients that I would argue should be kept out of recipes. Flavors that don't mesh well, or could just make the food inedible. Like all things I talk about, this applies, to graphic design. So, let's talk about it.
To start us off, let's dive into what makes a specific piece work the most. It could be the shape of an image, a character related to the product, etc. For an example, let's look at the Simpsons.
Image courtesy of IMDB
While not the main appeal, part of the reason it gets your attention is the yellow skin. It was eye-catching, and without it, it's possible the show would never have become as popular as it is now.
However, what's something that could ruin a product if put in? Well, I thought about this, and I figured a good answer would be making Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone a musical.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Keep in mind, I'm speaking of the movie version. However, knowing the context, and how whimsical that film already is, I feel songs might have made it a bit too kiddy. Not to mention, if you did that for the first movies it could cause a strange ripple effect that involves the rest of the franchise. Where does the tone go from here, do we add song numbers in other movies, it just makes things a mess. So, in this sense, musical theatrics isn't a needed ingredient in the Harry Potter series.
So now we know about ingredients, which ones work, and which ones don't. I know there will be those who have differing opinions than me, so feel free to experiment! Part of the fun of cooking and baking is trying to find what works and what doesn't, and graphic design is no different. Go and find test the recipe for your designs, and see if it needs anything added, or taken away. With that said, thank you for reading, and stay tuned!