Saturday, January 7, 2023

Inspiring Others

       We all know that every form of art comes from inspiration. That's the way it's been since the early days of cave paintings. However, nothing could be a greater honor than knowing your work could inspire others! Whether it be a speech you give, an image you draw, or any creative endeavor. The ability to inspire further creation is what makes graphic design run!

      A good example would be fan works. From newer animations, to classic literature; you can find all sorts of media based around love for something. While it's best not to monetize most of them, it's a good way to break into creation. Practice drawing certain characters,  write scenarios in the universe, etc.  Whatever you were inspired to do, you have an option to try it out, risk free.

     Granted, it won't just be fan works. There could be references to what you create, or ideas that use your work as a template. Not all of it will be perfect mind you. It goes without saying that everyone's creative skill, especially children's, varies. However, it's still nice to trigger that creative spark.

     Not that in depth of a topic this time, but I just wanted to discuss it. I feel the opportunity to inspire through creation can be rewarding if done right. I hope you agree with me, and stay tuned! Thank you for reading again!

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