Sunday, September 3, 2023


       Never underestimate the power of dreams. Whether it be one's passion to follow through with one, or the inspiration they can give; dreams are a very powerful tool. In this post, I want to discuss a bit more about dreams, and how they can fuel you to create. While I will, of course be sticking to graphic design, there might be other ways to look at it of course. So if you are in the art business or not, I hope you read on, and enjoy!

       Now, we all have a dream for what we want out of life. Some of us want to be rich, others famous, etc. For some of us though, we wish to see a certain plot, or idea be given in a way we desire. In a sense, dreams can be like goals; so long as you follow them through, you can and will see progress. To achieve these goals however, it takes practice, hard work, and for you to keep the vision in your head. With all of this in mind, you will be able to bring your idea to life, for all of the world to see.

      The other type of dreams I want to talk about are actual dreams; the kinds you have when asleep, or during a fever. The kind where you get asked by your fifth grade teacher if you've had your ovaltine yet, meanwhile a horse man is attacking you with an axe. Where new types of colors and sounds come to life, and all it takes is for you to remember them. Once you do, then you can put your pen to paper, draw from these dreams, and share a new experience.

      Whether your dreams are goals, or visions, use them as fuel for your creative endeavors. Do not be afraid to share them with the world, because it always needs dreamers to make it a brighter place. With all of that said, thank you for reading, and stay tuned!

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