Sunday, July 21, 2024


       Representation in media, an ongoing struggle and issue that really shouldn't be a problem. Over the years, certain minorities were left out of shows, commercials, etc., due to the mindset of the time. Now that things have thankfully been adjusted it should be able to represent these groups, right? Well, not everything is perfect, as there are people who still complain, but there's also people who don't do a good job representing these groups. So, with the topic set, let's get right to discussing it.

      Now, A major reason representation has been a problem, hasn't just been a lack of adding a minority in. It has been a negative viewing of those minorities, portraying stereotypes and bad traits excessively.  That's why it's become important to feature people of other races, ethnicities, etc., in a better light. They are people that exist, no reason to pretend like they don't, or that they're scum.

     On the flipside, there are times when people force representation, if only to try anything get more eyes on their product. Usually these come as a result of playing up a character's traits, only for it to be no big deal. Another example is when they add a character of another race, or sexuality, and proceed to make that their entire personality without much thought into the matter. In a sense, to these people, it's just an advertisement, and they don't care about actually representing these groups in a natural manner. This is something that should be best avoided, should you actually care about the minorities. 

      The best way to include minorities, in my opinion, is to actually understand and include them. They are real people, who have a had real struggles. It shouldn't be that hard to casually have them around in a setting, or to research a bit of their backstory. It's not about putting them on a pedestal and flashing them around for their color or sexuality. It's about just letting them join in, and celebrating actual accomplishments. 

    With all of that said and done, thank you for reading. I hope that my argument was strong enough, and that you stay tuned!

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