Monday, August 3, 2020

Speech Class

                   So it's been awhile since I've talked about my classes. At least since the start of the year. I'm sure judging from the title, you're wondering why I'm even talking about this one? It's speech, words, vocality, what does that have to do with Graphic Design? Well, mostly it has to do with getting yourself out there. Blogs, good work, and applications aren't enough. You need to make yourself presentable.

           What do I mean by this? Well, I am a normally shy person. I have trouble putting myself out there, I don't like to talk, and I'm generally scared of other people. Usually, when I see someone else walking on my side of the street, I will do what I can to leave. Bee it then around, go to the other side, or just hide until they leave. As you can imagine, this isn't healthy, and it's clear my confidence is lacking. So in order to improve my confidence, I need to take this class.

             Not only that, but I stumble on my words sometimes. If I am to convince a potential client I'm ready, I need to be a better speaker.  So a speech, whether it be two minutes or two hours, can be important for graphic design. It's the thing that helps you find friends and clients. It's what helps you develop good relationships. Not to mention, if you were to just talk to an audience, having one prepared will make you look good.

               So once again, thank you for reading! Hopefully after this class is over, I'll be making better blogs as well. However until then, comment below, tell me what I should improve on, and stay tunded!

Confidence is like a tree.

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