Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Different Views

           So, I would say today has been pretty good for me. Originally, I never intended on writing a blog this week. However, after learning about different views, and realizing how it relates to design, I had to! You see, people may come to general conclusions, but everyone has a separate frame of reference. They each like a unique flavor of ice cream if you will!

             Imagine you look into a telescope, and you see an island off in the far distance. You then hand it to your friend who has poor eyesight. Instead, they just view a blur because they can't use the telescope as well. That's more or less what I mean. To build off my post, 'The Power of A Symbol ' not everyone will see what you see. Even if it may be a similar result, it won't be The same.


           What does this mean for graphic design though? Where exactly am I going with this? Well, since everyone views things differently, you need to do your best to interpret your thoughts. You need to show what you want them to see. Caution in showing is highly advised, even if there won't be sure conseqeunces. If only because we each look from a special angle. So, we need to help others see from ours, and try to see things from theirs.

          So with that, thank you again for reading. I'm really loving this class so far, and I hope it continues to help me in my goals. Other than that, please comment below. If not, I hope you at least share this around, or still offer feedback! Tell me what you thought, check out my other posts, and as always, stay tuned! 

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