Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Finished With Keiser

           At long last, I can finally say I have completed my time at Keiser University. It has been a ride really, getting to learn new things, having to complete assignments in time, and just getting to know the teachers and staff. I have now had an experience that I can not replace, and I hope that by graduating from here, I will be able to move on to bigger and better things.

 Keiser University Logo

                What else does this mean for me now? Well, I'll have more time and freedom to find and work on graphic design jobs. I did promise myself that I would get something like that this year. There is also the fact I have new honors to put on my resume, and that I should hopefully go back to a standard blogging schedule. I know that recently I have not really been the most attentive here.

                 I know I should not make too many promises. There is so still an ever lingering doubt in me saying I am too lazy to continue this, or that I am not good enough. It is hard not to listen to that voice sometimes but..... Hey, I am sure I can figure this out better along the way. I will admit I am not the best, but I can be of you need me to be.

                  With that said however, thank you once again for reading. Make sure to comment below what you think I could change, what I could start doing, or if you just want to talk. I am always eager to here from you guys. Other this, I hope you guys enjoyed reading, and ask that you stay tuned.

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