Once again, I am changing classes! This time, I will be learning about Microsoft Office 365, and all the options I can do for alignment in there. Now, you might be wondering what this has to do with Graphic Design, again.... Well, it's a good way for me to practice new tools and techniques. Get me used to when I can't or don't need to rely on Adobe you see. On top of that, it's a way for me to get better at orientation, and structure.
In all honesty, even the most basic of structures can be good graphic design. As long as it serves its purpose of conveying the message. So, as long as the flow charts I soon make convey a direct message to the audience, I'll have made a good one. Granted, I will have to be more grounded when it comes to this. No time to pick out the best color and shape combos, but still enough to find a good one. So, in a sense, this will help me exercise my balance skills as well.
With that, thank you once again for reading my blog! I'm hoping to put my best into this class, and keep delivering good results so I can be good at graphic design. So, no better time than now to practice, even if I don't plan on keeping this. That being said, this business is always changing, so I may come back to it at one point. Once again, thank you for reading. Make sure to comment down below, share your thoughts, check out and critique my work, and stay tuned.