Monday, August 31, 2020

Microsoft Office

           Once again, I am changing classes! This time, I will be learning about Microsoft Office 365, and all the options I can do for alignment in there. Now, you might be wondering what this has to do with Graphic Design, again.... Well, it's a good way for me to practice new tools and techniques. Get me used to when I can't or don't need to rely on Adobe you see. On top of that, it's a way for me to get better at orientation, and structure.

My new book

        In all honesty, even the most basic of structures can be good graphic design. As long as it serves its purpose of conveying the message. So, as long as the flow charts I soon make convey a direct message to the audience, I'll have made a good one. Granted, I will have to be more grounded when it comes to this. No time to pick out the best color and shape combos, but still enough to find a good one. So, in a sense, this will help me exercise my balance skills as well.

            With that, thank you once again for reading my blog! I'm hoping to put my best into this class, and keep delivering good results so I can be good at graphic design. So, no better time than now to practice, even if I don't plan on keeping this. That being said, this business is always changing, so I may come back to it at one point. Once again, thank you for reading. Make sure to comment down below, share your thoughts, check out and critique my work, and stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Bigger, but Better?

          So, is bigger always better? That's the question that has plagued humans for so long. Make the burgers stack higher, make the cars more like tanks, the coffee cup needs to hold a gallon of the stuff! However, you then start to realize maybe you can't handle the size of it. As of you put too much together, and now you regret tackling this.

             That isn't to say not every big thing doesn't have it's benefita, or isn't good, just that it can be too much. On the other hand, it could also feel like too much of a hassle, or be less memorable. The reason I bring this up is because one day, I was watching a ProtonJon stream. In this stream, he was playing the game 'BatMan Arkham City'. While he does say it is a fun game, he states that he prefers the first game, 'BatMan  Arkham Asylum ' , as you're more than likely to complete everything before getting bored.

 Images courtesy of GameSpot and MobyGames respectively.

              Now while I do understand that this is his opinion, I feel like it does set a good argument against bigger things. Just because something is more vast and packed with things to see and do, doesn't mean it's perfect.  Think of a restaurant with an oversized menu, but not enough workers. Chances are, it's going to be a mess. Compare it to the other way around, chances are it'll be a better experience.

              With that being said, thank you once again for reading. Thank you as well ProtonJon for being the inspiration for this post. That being said, as always, make sure to comment, read more of my posts if you haven't, and stay tuned! I'm always looking forward to what anyone has to say about my work.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Different Views

           So, I would say today has been pretty good for me. Originally, I never intended on writing a blog this week. However, after learning about different views, and realizing how it relates to design, I had to! You see, people may come to general conclusions, but everyone has a separate frame of reference. They each like a unique flavor of ice cream if you will!

             Imagine you look into a telescope, and you see an island off in the far distance. You then hand it to your friend who has poor eyesight. Instead, they just view a blur because they can't use the telescope as well. That's more or less what I mean. To build off my post, 'The Power of A Symbol ' not everyone will see what you see. Even if it may be a similar result, it won't be The same.

           What does this mean for graphic design though? Where exactly am I going with this? Well, since everyone views things differently, you need to do your best to interpret your thoughts. You need to show what you want them to see. Caution in showing is highly advised, even if there won't be sure conseqeunces. If only because we each look from a special angle. So, we need to help others see from ours, and try to see things from theirs.

          So with that, thank you again for reading. I'm really loving this class so far, and I hope it continues to help me in my goals. Other than that, please comment below. If not, I hope you at least share this around, or still offer feedback! Tell me what you thought, check out my other posts, and as always, stay tuned! 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Speech Class

                   So it's been awhile since I've talked about my classes. At least since the start of the year. I'm sure judging from the title, you're wondering why I'm even talking about this one? It's speech, words, vocality, what does that have to do with Graphic Design? Well, mostly it has to do with getting yourself out there. Blogs, good work, and applications aren't enough. You need to make yourself presentable.

           What do I mean by this? Well, I am a normally shy person. I have trouble putting myself out there, I don't like to talk, and I'm generally scared of other people. Usually, when I see someone else walking on my side of the street, I will do what I can to leave. Bee it then around, go to the other side, or just hide until they leave. As you can imagine, this isn't healthy, and it's clear my confidence is lacking. So in order to improve my confidence, I need to take this class.

             Not only that, but I stumble on my words sometimes. If I am to convince a potential client I'm ready, I need to be a better speaker.  So a speech, whether it be two minutes or two hours, can be important for graphic design. It's the thing that helps you find friends and clients. It's what helps you develop good relationships. Not to mention, if you were to just talk to an audience, having one prepared will make you look good.

               So once again, thank you for reading! Hopefully after this class is over, I'll be making better blogs as well. However until then, comment below, tell me what I should improve on, and stay tunded!

Confidence is like a tree.