Now, starting off, I'll be talking about these two projects. These were done for my Photo Shop course, and they were canned for the same reason. That reason is, they weren't professional enough. The one on the left was a travel poster, and the idea was to approach meme culture to make them visit Canada. Problem is, not many people care about meme-culture in mainstream media, so it didn't work. The one on the left was done to imitate a magazine cover. The idea here is that it is to imitate the eye-baiting, false journalistic integrity, and just plain silliness of the National Enquirer. It was then I realized maybe a parody isn't the way to go.
In all seriousness, before I published either of these, I asked my teacher how I was as a student. His main criticism that I took from it was that I needed to get serious, and buckle my creativity down. So, with that in mind, both of these projects were replaced for ones I felt got the job done better, and I am glad I took that advice. While I share these here today, please note that it is only to help show off what I can do as a designer, not an impression of who I am as a designer.
Now, as for this third project, well it's very simple why it was canned.... I don't know. When working in this business, I've learned things can go horribly wrong at a moment's notice, in this case, I didn't upload it's file to the folder I was using. I uploaded something ese, and had to do something new on the spot! Now, I won't be taking credit for the entire design, the parts that are the bulletin board, test, and pictures were put together thanks to the combined talents of my classmates Shellian, Dave, Ashley, and Coulton, so round of applause for them. The only thing I did was put in the pictures of my previous projects which might look familiar to you.... except the one on the bottom left. That was just a neat effect I wanted to pull off.
Anyways, thank you for your time, make sure to comment below, and check me out as un_dustedh8 on InstaGram. Until then stay tuned!