Back at it again with the topic of money-making. Just like last time, I plan to go over ways graphic designers can make money for their personal projects, and life in general. Without further ado, let us continue this topic!
To start off, we have the classic concept of advertisements. Now, of course there is the concern of potentially selling out, and getting a bad advertiser. Of course, should you do your research, and find the right ones, they'll pay you. Either by featuring their logo, or sponsoring their product, you can be guaranteed a paycheck for your projects. Just make sure there's a level of cooperation so you get what you want, and they don't pull out.
The other topic I want to suggest is personalized commissions. Be they drawings, logos, videos, take any job you can get. Plenty of people are willing to pay to have the images they want made at last. Just make sure that they will pay you for your work. Also, make sure you set your limits; be those you not wanting to do specific images, or the range of tools you have.
With that out of the way, those are ways to raise money for projects in graphic design. Is there potentially more options, yes; but I wanted to stick with the main four I feel were best to describe. Are all of them perfect, no; however I do feel it all comes down to learning, and keeping your promises. With all of that out of the way, thank you for reading, and stay tuned!