Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Fuss About Fonts

          For Graphic Design, you will find yourself using words most of the time. Yes, you can always convey thoughts through images, but words are always straightforward.  It gives people an easy way to get as much information as possible. However, you can't rely on just words alone, you need the right font! A font is a collection of characters with a similar design. (,,to%20add%20a%20unique%20style%20to%20the%20text.)

             Now, the reason font is important is that it can help the words convey the message you want to give. Either that, or you need it to match the product or program that you need to present. An example would be the font I'm using for this blog. It is simple, and easy to read, so you'll find it used for books, menus, and most any form of written works. That said, it is possible to grow it, make it bold, or italicize it in prefer to convey a certain importance.
           However, font consistency is very important when it comes to kerning and tracking. The space between your letters can get easily messed up, and for a non-discernable message if you don't pay attention.  You also need to be aware of things like font sizes, the space between lines in a paragraph, color, and readability.  As such, it's an important task that when using the selected font, you make sure it matches the style in a precise manner.

          Now I could honestly go on and on about this for awhile but I don't want to make this post to long. Once again though, thank you so much for reading! Be sure to comment your thoughts below, and stay tuned!

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