Sunday, October 24, 2021

Technical Difficulties

   Hey guys, so just a heads up, my laptop is acting weird. The battery for it won't work normally anymore, and it needs to remain charging. I am really sorry about this, but I promise that I'll keep doing my best to do these blogs, and work in Graphic Design.

       On that note, I do think we should note that this is a common problem everywhere. We rely so much on machines, wi-fi, and flash drives to help with our work. In the field of design, this includes images, and words to print onto paper as an example. Because society has adopted ways to make the act simpler, there are few more archaic alternatives available if the printer breaks on you.

      This of course also includes videos, audio, and even cameras. The fact of the matter is, technology is like the bottom roll of paper towels at the store when it comes to Graphic Design. The minute you pull it out, everything comes tumbling down.

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