Hey everyone, if you read the title, then you can assume that I'm getting better in Adobe Illustrator! Not only have I become much more skilled in creating on the software, but i am liking it too! It really is a fun, and easy program to learn, and I just want to show off what I created here! So, without further ado, let us begin!

Now, this was just me trying to recreate SoundWave from Transformers. A bit basic, and not accurate, but I was starting out. I eventually took some liberties and made it my own thing. So, not only did it start me out on the program, it made me better at drawing Mechas. So, that's two things I've improved at to capture an audience.

Up next, we have some logos I've designed. Now, the first one was one of my the designs I preferred. My idea was that since the name was 'Destination: Illustration', a compass would be a logical choice. However, after some talking and advice, I went with the other two. I feel it gets my illustration idea across, and it works is both frayscale and color well. I might have to make it my logo, who knows?
Finally, we have The Rock! This was an early drawing of mine that I traced over. That way, I could practice with the pen tool. After all the work, I can gladly say it paid off. So, boom, here he is, now at long last with out pencil marks!
So, that should be it for today. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoy my work, comment below on your thoughts. As always though, stay tuned!