Each of us has something that makes us distinct. In the world of graphic design, that might boil down to your ideas, visual style, or even just your personality when working with others. An identity is valuable in this business, as you'll want potential clients to know who you are and what you do. Without one, you may find it a challenge getting future work, or creating anything unique or special. Without further ado, let's get to discussing this topic!
To start us off, think of your favorite artist; visual or otherwise. Each of them usually adds in their own flair to their work, intentional or not. Maybe it's a signature, their tone of voice, how they organize their projects, whatever it is they do, that you recognize them for. This 'flare', can sometimes be a bit obstructive though; and not everyone will care for it. However, there will certainly be fans of these details, who might even try to emulate it into their own work. If you do that however just make sure you do your own thing as well.
Of course, then we have a more personal identity. How do people recognize you aside from the little flourishes? What name do you chose to go by? Do you prefer to use your real name, or do you want to go by something related to what you draw? That is a conundrum you also have to figure out, as you'll want to make sure people know who to go to, but you might also want to retain a bit of privacy.
At the end of the day, whatever identity you want to use is up to you. As it stands however, you need to make sure said identity serves its purpose. Whether that be effectively adding your own flavor to a product, or marketing yourself; identity is the key to getting found in graphic design. If not just for other customers, but for you yourself. With all of that said, thank you for reading, and stay tuned!