A characteristic of fine wine is age. It gives the flavors in the bottle plenty of time to meet each other and become well acquainted. On the other note, age is also a characteristic of bad milk. You pretty much just have the bacteria growing to the point where it upsets the flavor and texture, making it undrinkable. In a sense, this can apply to the media we consume as well. Whether it be a photo becoming more pixelated from being shared, or a joke in a video that people still enjoy. Age can be both a blessing, and a curse.
Now, I feel we can all name something off the top of our head in Graphic design that's aged poorly. For one, the world was unfortunately much less... tolerant of other races. So as a result there are plenty of distasteful propaganda posters, movies, and articles from an era where the people in power were dumb. However, there are also some less offensive examples. Namely, things like old CGI and other effects.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia
Now, that's not to say there isn't a charm to certain material with said effects. However, you can feel that when compared to the CGI of today, things weren't that appealing. Now, in fairness people back then still needed to learn this stuff, and there wasn't that many extra things they could do. So all in all, let it be known that some material hasn't really aged that badly, it just shows its age. Really, it depends on the budget, and how well things were handled.
What does that have to do with things that age well though? Well, it goes just beyond a correct prediction. Really, all the image, movie, or any media needs is to just be captivate the audience. It doesn't matter the time period, or how it was made, as long as people keep wanting to come back to it, it's aged well. Heck, even the Money For Nothing video I would say has aged well in a way because people like to watch it. What can I say, it's a classic with how weird it is.
With that said though, thank you once again for reading! Will this blog age well or not? Well, in order to find out, just stay tuned!