Monday, May 24, 2021

Returning to Normalcy

             Well, it's good to be back to regular posts every two weeks. Sorry for the weird break for the past while, too many life changes happened all at once. Anyways, this blog mostly be a semi-sequel to another post I made, The Effects of the Pandemic!

               My reasoning for this is very simple, as we begin to exit the cursed effects of 2020. The vaccines are being rolled out, more places are opening up, and now we designers need to create around that. We need to welcome people from their houses with positive imagery, advertise for them to get back together, and of course, relearn to draw faces.

             That said, it will not be the normalcy we remember. There was more than a disease that made 2020 The utter nightmare it was. Namely some political disagreements that have people more split than ever before. This has unfortunately affected the subject of Covid-19, and the standings of many businesses as well. On top of that, many people learned from last year what they are worth, how to make money easier, but also that they may have liked certain things after quarantine. Not to mention certain features like delivering food, masks being sold, etc. made great money for businesses.

              All I can really say now is this. The effects from last year will never, and I mean NEVER, be forgotten. Whether that is someone continuing to wear there mask until they die, sitcoms and tv shows referencing how we live today, or another argument between the left and right whatever, probably toilet seats. We're returning to the normalcy, but it is not the same.