Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Science of Graphic Design

                       The day was Tuesday, January second, and I just finished my class at school. Wanting to wind down, I watched some videos on YouTube and saw the recent episode of Binging With Babish. In said video, he makes and Angel Food Cake twice, and states directly that "Baking is a science".

                      As time passed, I soon started to think of Graphic Design as the same way. There is several steps one must take to achieve their goal, multiple factors that can determine the outcome, and the best work usually comes from studying your material.

                     Just like there is many fields to science, there are many fields to Graphic Design as well. An example that comes to my mind is how photography and photosynthesis both require light for what they accomplish. Another one is how both web design and biology have a multitude different subjects. In fact I would dare say that it is because of science that we can better explore graphic design.

                      So what does this mean for people wanting to get into Graphic Design like me? Well, it means that maybe a science class might be a good idea to take. Let it get you into the process of performing experiments and tests; see if the study of animals and plants inspires future designs; you can even just draw illustrations for science books of you want. Whatever the case, try a science class out!

                   With that said, thank you once again for reading! Make sure to comment down below, tell me how I can improve, and if you just want my services. I'm glad I made this connection, and I hope you enjoy it as well.