Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Brand Protection

            So, this subject is one I am seeing pop up more in graphic design and media in the recent months. You see, as brands become bigger and branch out more, they seem to be more protective of their designs and ideas. While it is understandable when a company could have a hard time controlling their property when they have to manage more, they tend to go overboard with that control. An example of this could be Google, who have made their icons look like lazy, mutated rainbows. Yes, they are Google-owned, but it feels a bit harder to understand what they are for.

 Image found on

            Do not get me wrong, you do not want anybody using your brand image for malicious purposes. However, I feel there is a difference between malicious purposes, and having Mickey Mouse on a KinderGarten wall for fun. There might be a bigger reason to it all that I just don't get, but I also feel like sometimes it should not matter. At least if a company needs to take action, they need to be more transparent about it. Explain the reasoning for the strictness, and have more personality. 

  So, that does it for my blog this time. Hopefully I made sense in my views, and helped other designers get a grasp on how to handle their brands. Other than that, thank you once again for reading. Make sure to comment below, tell me what you thought, and stay tuned!